About this video

In this video, you can lose yourself for eight hours in the tranquil wildlife of Cornwall, England. Featuring the local birds and squirrels, filmmaker Paul Dinning has managed to seamlessly capture these creatures in their natural environment during a cold February day in 2019. There's a lot to observe in this diversified ecosystem: Birds of various species, each singing their unique melody complementing the squirrels' playful frolicking.

The primary charm of this video is its therapeutic aspect. It's not a mere showcase of wildlife but a thoughtful capture of raw, uninterrupted life in all its simplicity and beauty. From the richly colored feathers of chirping birds to the squirrels' agile jumping through tree branches, this video aims to stir a sense of serenity and peace, making it a great companion during your calm, reflective moments.

This video also offers a visual fascination for pets - especially cats and dogs. With the untamed charm of these birds and squirrels, it can keep your pets engaged for hours. And for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers, the cornucopia of the bird species featured and their distinct behaviors will undoubtedly be an appeal. Therefore, this offering by Paul Dinning is more than a video - it's an immersive journey into the blissful wilderness of Cornwall.

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